Sundance 2006

Saturday, January 21, 2006

High Drama on Saturday

It's been quite a full Saturday so far. Got up early for an 8:30am screening. The filmmaker appeared stunned that people actually got up early on a weekend to see his film.

The one film I really wanted to see but we couldn't get tix to was WORDPLAY, a doc about Will Shortz and the crossword puzzle tournament. Thanks to some last minute begging and scrambling we were able to use 2 of the 5 seats always reserved for "Redford". Apparently 5 seats are always held back and thankfully he didn't show so we got in at the last minute. If I had been able to find an upload station (so far no luck) I could show you what the mob scene was like there this morning. The only other time I remember it this nuts was when Mick Jagger presented ENIGMA. Anyway, the film was terrific, we met not only Will Shortz but Merl Regle too! And the 20 year old who won last year, the youngest person ever.

Part of the fun of the film was interviews with some famous people who are crossword puzzle fanatics - Jon Stewart (I love him even more for that!), Bill Clinton, the Indigo Girls (???). The people who are best at crosswords are musicians and actuaries (go Debbie!).

We visited the T-Mobile Loft this afternoon, a private lounge where we're demo'ing our new smartphone. It was nice to have a place to go for a free cocktail and snack in the middle of the afternoon. Paul Giamatti had stopped by before we got there.

It's been snowing today but doesn't appear to be sticking. Very cold, so glad I have my new boots.

This afternoon we saw a great Argentinean thriller by the same guy who did NINE QUEENS. Staring Ricardo Darin, a fantastic actor (Marilyn - remember him from Avellaneda's Moon?).

Right now we're at the HP Pavillion but the laptops with SD card readers are locked down - I can only use the Internet, not the rest of the system. But Alyssia's cousin just told us we can go to the Sundance IT office at the local Park City TV station where we can definitely upload photos. The only caveat is that we have to post some of our photos to the Sundance Channel blog which is getting 8000 posts an hour or something equally ridiculous. I hope to have some images for you tomorrow.

One topic I've been meaning to mention is the delicate balance that everyone seeks here regarding hydration and elimination. We are at altitude so it's very important to drink a LOT of water. However, one does not want a full bladder in the middle of a movie necessitating a trip to the bathroom at a crucial moment. So far I've failed miserably and haven't seen one film all the way through. Is this too much information sharing?

Well, it's time for dinner, the first proper meal in 2 days if you call a take out burrito a proper meal. We are meeting Nancy when she finishes her work shift and she's getting us in to one of the premiers tonight.

More later.........


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